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Chaos mood:

Still is an interactive experience, a contemplative journey that deal with these questions, and offers a way to handle them - by exploring and searching after our  "lost connections".

The "Lost Connections" are drawn from the book "Lost Connections"  by Johan Hari. He claims there are basic values that we disconnected with, and calls for reconnecting with them. When we reconnect, we will discover a new aspect of our environment and ourselves, and thus we will feel less lonely, tense and mindfull.

Still is a digital game that takes the player on a contemplative journey through the vast of an unknown place. as he moves across the void the world is reveiled in perfect harmony to the player's progress.

This is a journey that Symbolizing the relationship humans have with the natural world, with their values and with their community. a journey in order to find the lost and meaningfull valuse- our Lost Connections.

the player's journey expresses our eternal need to be in a constance movement but at the same time to take moment to simply hold still

The game was created as the final project of my Visual Communication bachelor's degree in Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design. with my amazing partner Mika Holtzman

Game design and art by Mika Holtzman and Guy Mizrachi

programming by Itai Valach & Ron Mizrachi
Music by Avishay Zawoznik

The project was guided by Sri Sucari & Gidon Rimer.

Made with Unity platform

Final project of my VC bachelor's degree in Bezalel Academy






Have you ever felt lonely, disconnected or simply lost?
Why do so many of us experience anxiety, depression and stress in our lives? The game "Still" encourages you to stand still for moment and ask, what will move me forward?

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